We’re solving a big problem in medicine at Opticyte and because of our work, I have no doubt lives will be saved. I’ve dedicated my career to researching, understanding, and building a new technology needed to reveal a critical, missing — and life-saving — insight for clinicians. Opticyte’s VitalO2 holds the promise of reducing organ failure and death associated with sepsis. It’s a worthwhile endeavor, given that millions of people suffer the effects of organ failure each year.

The mystery lies in uncovering oxygen levels inside the human body. Current technologies, such as pulse oximeters, only track oxygen in blood passing through large arteries. Yet, there’s a problem in plain sight. Physicians and nurses are all too familiar with a feeling of helplessness that can occur when treating a patient potentially facing imminent organ failure.  

What’s missing is the ability to see and understand whether oxygen is actually reaching the body’s cells. A person may very well show oxygen-rich blood in their arteries with pulse oximetry, but clinicians are blind to oxygen deficiency in cells. They have no real-time indicators of that critical metric, and often can’t take meaningful action early enough to prevent organ failure. 

At Opticyte, we’re changing that. I’ve lost a close family member to organ failure caused by sepsis, so I know first-hand the slow and painful situation when clinicians are not able to do more. Use of our monitor is totally painless, it’s easy to use, and it will empower clinicians with the earliest warning signs that a person is heading towards oxygen deficiency. With this early signal, physicians can administer the appropriate fluids and medications to avert organ failure. 

Right now, we’re working hard to ensure that the device measures cell O2 in adults of all ages, skin tones, and body weight. Ensuring that our device works for diverse populations, including all ages and ethnicities, is a cornerstone deliverable of the Opticyte VitalO2, and it’s very important to me.

As a research scientist and bioengineer, my goal has always been to translate our discoveries from the lab bench to a patient’s bedside. I personally invite you to share in my journey as a female entrepreneur and CEO. I’ll update you as our team performs the clinical studies that will demonstrate the clinical benefit of the Opticyte VitalO2.